Topic I: Problem solved by AI

Adaptive Tutoring Systems: A Problem Solved by AI

Julian Ong 29/3/2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a common recurring topic in modern society. It is evolving rapidly and is the key to revolutionizing every industry. It is the science and engineering of making machines demonstrate intelligence, especially in areas such as visual perception, speech, recognition, and decision making, just to name a few. Today, AI has been impactful in every part of our daily life and is becoming integral as technology evolves.

One of the significant problems that AI can potentially solve is in the healthcare industry. AI can help diagnose diseases early, personalize medicines, and predict patient outcomes. Medical specialists can use AI-powered tools to analyze patients’ data, medical images, and genetic records to create a personalized and more precise treatment plan for each patient. AI can also assist in drug discovery by identifying new drug targets and predicting the efficacy of drugs. For example, AI can be used to analyze medical images and detect cancerous tumors at an early stage, which can help improve the survival rates of cancer patients (Onpassive, 2024).

However, the adoption of AI in healthcare comes with many challenges. Some of the challenges related to artificial intelligence are data scarcity, limited implementation, data privacy and security, transparency of algorithms, and bias. These challenges need to be overcome to realize the full potential of AI in healthcare (Y. K. Yew, 2023).

In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare sector by improving various compartments of it. However, several challenges need to be made to fully realize the potential of AI in healthcare. By overcoming these challenges, we can not only improve the healthcare industry, but every other industry.


1. Five main challenges of Artificial Intelligent Technology. (2023). MDIS Blog.

2. Onpassive. (2024). Identify 10 problems that can be solved using AI | ONPASSIVE. ONPASSIVE.


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Topic I: Potential Problem Solved With AI