
Showing posts from March, 2024

Topic I: Potential Problem Solved With AI

Internet Security and AI Alief Rama 29/3/2024      The world is run by the internet in this modern day and age as we know it and part of being a respectable digital citizen would be the need to contribute to the ever adapting and improving world that is our internet. Part of the various concerns regarding this would be the threats posed to our private lives and the increasing number of cybercrimes that are committed to an extent. One such issue can be resolved utilizing AI.       Although the concept of artificial intelligence was created by humans in the first place, there are still various issues that can be rather enhanced through the usage of AI. The personal goal I'd set for myself wouldn't be to innovate some new technology utilizing AI, but to enhance current technology that have already exist or potentially would be applicable in enhancing cybersecurity. The following are examples of issues that may potentially be solved or have been:      The concept of having a self-l

Topic II: Developing Essential Entrepreneurial Skills

 Adapting to Society 5.0: Developing Essential Entrepreneurial Skills Julian Ong 29/3/2024 Society 5.0 was initially put forth in Japan's 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan. It refers to a time when different technologies, such artificial intelligence, are more successfully incorporated into society. This society is envisioned as a digital twin in cyberspace, restructured in terms of systems, business design, urban and regional development, and then reflected in physical space to transform society  ( Cabinet Office , n.d.) . The development of fundamental entrepreneurial abilities is necessary for adapting to Society 5.0 and its advancement. One such skill is creativity, or the capacity to come up with original and creative ideas and solutions. Another essential ability is risk-taking, or the desire to take calculated chances and grab opportunities. The capacity to solve complicated problems and go over challenges is another essential skill. Finance skills, such as budgeting and

Topic I: Problem solved by AI

Adaptive Tutoring Systems: A Problem Solved by AI Julian Ong 29/3/2024 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a common recurring topic in modern society. It is evolving rapidly and is the key to revolutionizing every industry. It is the science and engineering of making machines demonstrate intelligence, especially in areas such as visual perception, speech, recognition, and decision making, just to name a few. Today, AI has been impactful in every part of our daily life and is becoming integral as technology evolves. One of the significant problems that AI can potentially solve is in the healthcare industry. AI can help diagnose diseases early, personalize medicines, and predict patient outcomes. Medical specialists can use AI-powered tools to analyze patients’ data, medical images, and genetic records to create a personalized and more precise treatment plan for each patient. AI can also assist in drug discovery by identifying new drug targets and predicting the efficacy of drugs. For exampl